Difference between Award and Agreement

As a professional, I have come across various topics and concepts that I would like to share with you. In this article, we will be discussing the difference between awards and agreements.

In the context of employment, awards and agreements are two terms often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. An award is a legally binding document that outlines minimum terms and conditions of employment while an agreement is a negotiated arrangement between an employer and their employees.

An award is issued by the Fair Work Commission and sets out the minimum pay rates, working conditions, and entitlements for employees in a specific industry or occupation. Awards are designed to provide a level playing field for all employers and employees in a particular industry, ensuring that everyone is working under the same set of rules. Employers are required to meet the minimum standards set out in the award, but they can choose to offer better conditions if they wish.

Agreements, on the other hand, are negotiated between an employer and their employees, typically through a union. Agreements can be either collective or individual and are often used in industries where the work is specialized or where there are unique working conditions. Agreements can provide additional benefits or conditions that are not covered by the relevant award, such as higher pay rates, extra leave entitlements, or flexible work arrangements.

It is important to note that awards and agreements can work together. An agreement cannot provide less than the minimum standards set out in the relevant award, but it can provide additional benefits or conditions. Employers who are covered by awards are required to comply with the relevant award, but they can choose to negotiate an agreement that provides additional benefits.

In conclusion, awards and agreements are two different legal documents that regulate employment conditions. Awards provide minimum standards for a particular industry or occupation, while agreements are a negotiated arrangement between an employer and their employees. While they may seem similar, understanding the difference between awards and agreements is important to ensure that employers and employees alike are aware of their rights and obligations.